Not Practicing what you Preach

I know this is a terrible photograph, taken with my phone, while traveling through Los Banos in Central California. But I thought it funny that he would be telling others to leave but lived here himself.

Ich weiß, dass dies ein schreckliches Foto ist, das ich mit meinem Handy aufgenommen habe, als ich durch Los Banos in Zentralkalifornien reiste. Aber ich fand es lustig, dass er anderen sagen würde, sie sollen gehen, aber selbst hier lebte.


Heute mal wieder etwas aus der Experimentier- und Spielecke. Wie der Titel schon sagt, ist das Thema hier das Malen mit Licht. Wer sich also mal künstlerisch austoben möchte, dem sei diese Technik empfohlen. Obendrein eine sehr entspannende Sache, wie ich finde.

Today something from the experiment and play corner. As the title suggests, the theme here is painting with light. So if you want to let off steam artistically, this technique is recommended. It’s also very relaxing, in my opinion.

Algodones Dunes

The Algodones Dunes are a large sand dune field (45 miles by 6 miles) in the southeastern portion of California, east of the present day Salton Sea (currently -236 ft below sea level). Typically, the Colorado River flows south to the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California). But, once in a while, due to several reasons, the ancient Colorado River spilt into the present day Salton Sea area and a freshwater lake developed, called Lake Cahuilla. The last Lake Cahuilla covered much of the Imperial, Coachella, and Mexicali Valley, and occurred as late as 1450. The most popular theory suggests that the Algodones Dunes formed over thousands of years from the windblown beach sands of landlocked Lake Cahuilla, especially when it’s water slowly evaporated and the aeolian processes picked up the finer sediments in this forming arid environment.

Today, the Algodones Dunes is used by men and women who are in need of driving sand buggies around and around until all beer is spilt or the gasoline tank is empty. Luckily, some parts are closed off for sand buggies. The photo shown here is from the closed off area.